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3-4 Months Baby Milestones and Activities

Hi there, I'm sure you're here wondering what new and interesting developments your baby is going to be going through and learning in this stage of their lives. I will be sharing easy steps to understand your baby's development in months 3-4 and how to help them.

Your Baby

• Is cooing and smiling and increasingly alert

• Recognizes people who take care of them and their voices

• Limited depth perception and prefers black and white images

• Can open and shut their fists

• Their eyes can follow you and moving objects

• Can hold their head upright with bobbing occasionally

• Can hold their head up during tummy time and can prop their chest up with their arms

• May start to bring objects toward their mouth

• Will bat at objects and watch what happens

• Will grasp objects if place between fingers and palms

For Your Baby

Mirrors so they can look at themselves

• Tours of their home with narrative

• More complex black and white cards to look at

• Tummy time to strengthen neck, back, and chest

• Lots of floor time with no barriers - helps develop the brain

• Chance to bat at toys and kick their legs

• Repeat your baby’s noises back to them this will encourage conversation.

Toys & Activities For Your Baby

Hanging toys on play gym - Linking my favorite play gym below

◦ Position your baby so that when they wave their arms they come into contact with the hanging toys.

• Kicking

◦ Place baby on their back with their legs on crinkle objects. As they kick their legs they will hear the noise it makes.

◦ Eventually, they will be able to create sounds on purpose.

• Grasping

◦ Give your baby objects they can grasp easily. Place between fingers and palms to encourage grasping. If your baby puts the toy in their mouth encourage them. “Good job you got the ring in your mouth!”

• Reaching

◦ Lay baby on their back under play gym. Detach toys and place them in arms reach so your baby can grab them. When they are successful encourage them. “You reached for the ball and got it!”

* Please note that each child develops at his or her own pace and the range of normal is quite wide. However, it is helpful to be aware of red flags for potential developmental delays in children. These delays are significant lags in one or more areas of emotional, mental, or physical growth. If your child experiences a delay, please contact your pediatrician.

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