7-8 Months Baby Milestones and Activities
Hi there, I'm sure you're here wondering what new and interesting developments your baby is going to be going through and learning in this stage of their lives. I will be sharing easy steps to understand your baby's development in months 7-8 and how to help them.
Your Baby
Likes looking at your mouth and is aware of changes in the tone of your voice
Explores objects with their eyes and hands at the same time
Enjoys dropping objects onto the floor and then looking for them
Likes when you make exaggerated facial expressions that show different emotions
Recognizes some words - like their own name
Touches your face, pulls on your hair, and puts their fingers in your mouth
Likes banging hands and toys on surfaces
May start using finger and thumb to pick up smaller objects (pincer grasp)
Can track fast-moving objects
Plays with feet and toes using both hands
Can sit unassisted for a minute or two at a time
May start to creep or crawl around
For Your Baby
Time to splash and play in the tub
Board books to look at and read together
Interactive games like peek-a-boo or bouncing on your knee
Chances to look at themselves in the mirror
Objects that make noise
Conversations - respond to babbling
Safe objects that can be put in mouth
Lots of time to practice sitting, crawling, and/or pulling up
Loose clothing so they can move freely
Spoon and cup to experiment with during mealtime
A safe space that has been baby-proofed that she can explore while supervised
Toys & Activities For Your Baby
Encourage forward movement
roll an object just out of reach during tummy time Note: babies tend to move backward on their bellies fort and learn how to scoot or crawl forward a little later
Hiding and finding
hid an object just out of reach and show your baby how to find it. This helps teach your baby to understand that when an object can’t be seen it’s not gone forever
Sensory play - See blog "Sensory Play In The First Year" for a full list of fun activities for you and your baby
introduce new textures, colors, and liquids. Leave baby in just a diaper or onesie bare legs and feet for maximum sensory input
* Please note that each child develops at his or her own pace and the range of normal is quite wide. However, it is helpful to be aware of red flags for potential developmental delays in children. These delays are significant lags in one or more areas of emotional, mental, or physical growth. If your child experiences a delay, please contact your pediatrician.